The review offers a summary of proxy voting activity across three regions: Europe, the US, and the UK, and an overview of the regulatory environment of each jurisdiction.
Our analysis covers the key results for 2023, as well as the key developments and trends from 2019. We outline the regulatory and ESG setting and provide a global summary and regional comparison of voting in 2023. This includes what has unfolded regarding shareholder dissent, shareholder proposals and ESG stewardship. We then drill into each market, looking at voting trends on boards, remuneration, shareholder proposals, sustainability and capital issues.
For more information, please email or call +44 (0)1376 503500
This Minerva Briefing providing a review of the 2023 proxy season is available to download free. To get your copy, double-click the button below!
About Minerva Briefings
Minerva’s regulatory briefings look at new and emerging issues from the UK and Continental European perspectives. Also Available:
- Minerva Briefing – Australia ESG Update
- Australia 2021 Proxy Season Review
- 2022 UK AGM Season Review
- Minerva Briefing – Climate Stewardship
- Minerva Briefing: The road to COP 26
- Minerva Briefing: 2021 UK Proxy Season Review
- Minerva Briefing: Greenwashing
- Minerva Briefing: Acronyms to Action
- Minerva Briefing: Biodiversity & Stewardship
- Board Evaluation in Europe
- Board Gender Diversity in Europe
- The Minerva Total Remuneration Survey 2019
- Minerva Briefing: 2019 UK Voting Review
- Minerva Briefing: Executive Pensions in the UK 2019
- Employee Board Representation in Europe
- Shareholder Rights Directive II
- Tax Secrecy