stewardship code, ESG, Sustainability

Global Stewardship Codes shown in the list below are the key international codes. Stewardship Codes are usually addressed at institutional investors and outline out good practice for engagement with investee companies. Stewardship Codes are generally voluntary and operate on a “comply or explain” or “if not, why not” basis. Stewardship Codes may have an element […]

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Thank you for sharing your views about climate change stewardship. As part of our Net Zero commitment, Minerva will consider the findings as part of our annual voting policy development process. To find out how Minerva’s range of services can help your sustainable stewardship program, speak with a member of our expert team. To keep […]

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Stewardship Benchmarking Project Introduction The UK Stewardship Code (“the Code”) is a voluntary code for asset managers (investment managers), asset owners and service providers (such as proxy advisers, investment consultants and data providers). The Code promotes the responsible allocation, management and oversight of capital to create long-term value for clients and beneficiaries leading to sustainable […]

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governance codes manifest say on pay survey

The following table contains links to the global corporate governance codes which are used as a basis for Minerva’s international research. Each country or market may also publish periodic monitoring reports. Country Governance Code Link Australia Australian Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (4th Edition, 2019) Austria Austrian Code of Corporate Governance (2015) Belgium Belgian Code on Corporate […]

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Minerva partners with Ryedale for ESG investment solution

Minerva and Ryedale: supporting sustainable investment portfolios Ryedale, the international portfolio optimization software solution, and Minerva have established a collaboration designed to harness the growth in demand of sustainability-related data in the fund management investment process amongst asset owners, investment managers and regulators. “Minerva is delighted to be partnering with Ryedale to support investors sustainable […]

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ESG factors emerging markets

Whilst, in broad terms, ESG factor disclosures by companies in Emerging Markets is not yet at the level of Developed Markets, it continues to improve, and indeed what we now think of as ESG factor considerations have been present in the running of such companies for many years, according to Geoffrey Mazullo of Emerging Markets ESG. At […]

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Sustainable Stewardship ESG Greenwashing

ESG ‘Greenwashing’ represents a real and growing threat in the sustainable investment arena, and as such asset owners should be on their guard against it, according to Julia Dreblow of SRI Services. ‘Greenwashing’ is where asset managers (or their marketing departments) allege responsible and sustainable investment credentials for a particular fund, product or approach for which […]

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Whilst asset owners’ approach to ESG has been slowly shaped by regulatory and best practice influences over time, we have now reached the point that inaction on the topic is no longer possible, according to Sarah Wilson, Minerva’s Chief Executive.  At Minerva’s recent ESG Educational Event in London, Sarah addressed the topic of ‘ESGvolution’, looking […]

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Sustainable investment ESG

Significant challenges exist for asset stewards in terms of assessing whether pertinent ESG factors have been identified and integrated into the investment process of their asset managers, according to Niall O’Shea from Discern Sustainability. At Minerva’s recent ESG Educational Event in London, Niall explored the topic of the growth of ESG and Climate Change factor awareness, and […]

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The Power of Voting: Active Ownership for Index Strategies

“Passive” is growing at a fast pace. Hence, the issue of how to deal with share voting rights is becoming increasingly important. In this blog post we attempt to address this question. Does the rise of passive investing threaten active ownership? September 2019 marked a major milestone in US financial history as the assets managed […]

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