Manifest’s annual review of executive remuneration trendshas now been published and has received a positive response from a variety of market commentators including Robert Peston for BBC’s News at 10 and the BBC World Service’s European Business News.
This year’s survey has been extended to included pensions data as well as detailed narrative on trends for both large cap and small cap companies. For full details click the brochure link below.
How are investors reacting to executive pay so far this year? We’ve all seen the headlined stories on Shell, Bellway etc but these are by no means isolated incidents. Early data on voting trends shows that voting dissent on share plans in the FTSE250 has gone from 5.86% in 2008 to 13.08% in 2009 and Small Caps dissent has leapt from 6.33% to 12.94%. Over the entire market dissent has doubled from an average of 6.33% to 12.94%. In the FTSE100 the voting focus is now on the remuneration report vote rather than on individual share plan votes. The 2008 average was 7.31% but YTD we are looking at 14.28% These are the highest figures since 2003 when the new rules on say on pay came into force.