Search Results for: SEC disclosure
Nasdaq proposes diversity disclosure for listed companies

US regulator the SEC has given the green light to Nasdaq to introduce rules aimed at improving the diversity disclosures of listed companies.

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climate map of the world

The chair of the US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) has asked staff to develop a mandatory climate risk disclosure rule for listed companies.

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SEC creates new senior climate change role

Not-for-profit sustainability advocacy organization Ceres is urging companies and investors to get behind its campaign for more disclosure on carbon footprints.

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Carbon emissions, net-zero

SEC reviewing decade-old climate disclosure rules Original rules on climate-related disclosure were originally published in 2010 The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is reviewing its climate-related disclosure rules for companies, which have not been updated since 2010. In a statement, acting chair Allison Herren Lee said the regulator’s staff would be assessing how extensively companies […]

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SEC lambasted over shareholder rights change as companies fail to meet ESG targets

Investors ask SEC to intervene on Covid disclosures A group of investors have called on the Securities and Exchange Commission to force companies to disclose how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected their business operations. Representatives from 98 asset owners, fund managers, public interest groups, lawyers and trade unions, have asked the SEC to consider new […]

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SEC lambasted over shareholder rights change as companies fail to meet ESG targets

SEC outlines planned risk disclosure changes The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is proposing to change its regulations on business, legal proceedings, and risk factor disclosures. The SEC says that the amendments are intended to improve disclosures for investors and to simplify compliance efforts for registrants. Regulation S-K lays out reporting requirements for various SEC filings used […]

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Women on FTSE 350 boards still to hit 33% target

Board Diversity: SEC Clarifies Reg S-K Disclosures The staff of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued two new Compliance & Disclosure Interpretations (116.11 & 133.13) focussing on how companies should consider board diversity in their Regulation S-K disclosures. The interpretations clarify when “self-identified diversity attributes” of directors and director nominees should be disclosed in […]

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SEC Securities & Exchange Commission

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is seeking comments from companies are encountering as they look to comply with the CEO Pay Ratio disclosure rule which took effect for financial years from 1st January 2017. The rule, hotly debated by business and investors alike, requests companies to disclose the ratio of the median of the annual […]

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Not to be outdone by the Walker Review this week, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) has released the full text proposals from their July 1st meeting which are aimed at enhancing pre- and post-meeting disclosure and facilitation of the solicitation process for non-management groups. In a 137 page consultation document, for […]

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A coalition of investors, US state officials and environmental groups have filed a petition with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) calling on the regulator to force companies to assess and disclose their financial risks from climate change. The petition cites scientific evidence and regulatory developments it claims prove that the risks and opportunities […]

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