Minerva founding member of net zero alliance

September 24, 2021

Minerva Analytics and our strategic partners at Solactive are proud to announce we are founding members of the Net Zero Financial Service Provider Alliance (NZFSPA).

This new Alliance marks the first time that financial service providers have come together to act on the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, consistent with a maximum average global temperature rise of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels outlined in the Paris Agreement.

Firms from across the finance sector are invited to commit themselves to net zero under the coordination of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, leading the way to a more sustainable future.


By signing on to this alliance, Minerva and Solactive are committing to not only transition our own operations to net zero in line with science-based targets but to enhance our service offerings to better help our clients transition to net zero.

We provide sustainability data and rating services, stewardship solutions for asset owners and managers looking to align their investments with a net zero transition, custom indexes for addressing environmental and sustainability within your investments and will soon be announcing new voting guidelines for shareholder voting on climate change.

As we continue our own net zero journey, we will expand our offerings to help clients benchmark their progress towards net zero.

Minerva CEO, Sarah Wilson, commented on the launch of the new Alliance, stating:

“Sustainable stewardship is at the core of Minerva’s purpose, and so joining the Net Zero Service Providers Alliance is extremely important to us. As part of the collective effort needed to achieve the world’s ambitions for a safer, more sustainable world, our mission is to help our clients successfully manage their transition to a low-carbon economy. We are therefore proud to play our part in making the Net Zero vision a reality.”

Commenting on the announcement, Steffen Scheuble, CEO at Solactive noted:

“Achieving the Paris climate goals is one of the most challenging and important tasks of our time. We have to act now to limit the severe impact of climate change which is observable around the globe already. At Solactive, we take our responsibility as a founding member of the NZFSPA seriously and are committed to helping our clients achieve their Net Zero goals with credible climate index solutions, while at the same time contributing positively to the achievement of Net Zero through our own responsible business practices.”

To find out more about our commitments and the NZFSAP, say

Last Updated: 24 September 2021