David Crum to lead Asset Owner Project
Minerva Analytics is pleased to announce the appointment of David Crum as Managing Director – Asset Owner Solutions. David joined the company on 1st July 2019 and will have a wide-ranging remit which includes building market awareness of Minerva’s stewardship, ESG and shareholder voting tools in the post Shareholder’s Rights Directive II world.
Since 2012 David has worked closely with a range of clients through 330 Consulting which David set up after leaving Aon Hewitt where he was a public sector investment consultant. Prior to Aon Hewitt David was Chief Pensions Officer (Investments) at the £20 billion Strathclyde Pension Fund in Glasgow, the largest Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Fund in the UK; he also held a variety of positions at the Lothian Pension Fund in Edinburgh.
Commenting on David’s appointment, Minerva CEO Sarah Wilson said: “We are delighted to be working with David on this important initiative. ESG, voting and climate change are now critical issues for asset owners. Under the new rules from the Department of Work and Pensions, pension schemes that disregard risks or opportunities from ESG factors will have to justify why this does not harm their investments. Minerva offers trustees and scheme advisors an independent and objective solution to support compliance not only with the new pensions regulations but also Shareholder Rights Directive II.”
David Crum said: “Having known Sarah for almost 10 years now, I’m delighted to have the opportunity to work directly with her on subjects that are close to my heart. From my experiences at the Lothian Pension Fund in Edinburgh in the late 90’s where I was responsible for implementing the Fund’s UK voting policy, to my time at Strathclyde in the mid 00’s where we carried out on-the-ground assessments of our external investment managers’ ESG credentials, I hope to use that pension fund practitioner experience to help Minerva Analytics grow. In this post-SRDII world, I’m looking forward to working with the Minerva team in engaging with pension funds, investment consultant and investment managers over the coming months on ESG and voting issues that have never been more important.”
For more information please contact:
Sarah Wilson | CEO | Minerva Analytics
Eden Smith | Communications Manager | Minerva Analytics
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3009 0853 | Email: hello@minerva.info