The upcoming AGM of Deutsche Bank AG is looming large in many shareholders minds now. With the long running succession planning debate at the company leading some proxy advisors to publicly recommend opposition to ratification of the supervisory board acts, combined with countermotions tabled for director elections, there’s plenty for shareholders to consider.
The ability to propose countermotions is of course a vital tool in the German shareholder action toolbox. Not only does it get an item out in the open by getting it on the meeting agenda (quite literally), it also gives other shareholders the opportunity to voice their support for you as well. At least, that’s what should happen.
Unfortunately, foreign shareholders who can’t get to the meeting in person are effectively being disenfranchised next week . Shareholder countermotions are in fact much harder to vote on through the complex ‘chain of intermediaries’ voting system. Why? Well, because one of the intermediaries (the dominant voting platform that most global custodians force their customers to have their votes processed by) – how do we put this? – simply doesn’t process them. In their own words “Counter proposals cannot be reflected in the ballot”*.
The net result is that German sub-custodian banks end up with an instruction to vote the shares on most resolutions without an instruction as to which way to vote them on countermotions. In the absence of the ability to get explicit instructions through, we can be far from sure that shareholders who wish to support the countermotions will be able to prevent their sub custodians from voting their shares in favour of management.
Shareholders therefore have a difficult choice when there are counter motions on the agenda. One is to arrange to have a representative physically at the meeting; a highly (prohibitively) costly proposition. The other is to choose to not vote at all at the meeting. At least that way management doesn’t get inadvertently supported.
those not voting at all – fail their fiduciary duty at all.
the problems mentioned above are correctly listed – but not relevant in the case of Deutsche Bank counter motions 2012.
first take the option to send VIP the voting card plus instruction/ PoA – and i will go in the meeting myself and in person to execute this. no fee will be charged – this time.
second as long as you trust your custody chain, vote simply “NO” at item 4 (discharge supervisory board) and the chance is great, that this will be executed. also here, send me copy /screen-shot and i will try my (very) best to check if those votes arrived and were voting – sometimes it is possible and sometimes it is not possible to check this.
if you voted yesterday – you may change it now.
if there remains any question – send me a mail
best – hmb, VIP
You should understand first, what a countermotion is – before writing such a long story here, which is not correct. A countermotion is purely the opionion of an investor to oppose an existing item – now, guess, what you have to do if you want to follow the countermotion?