The amended Transparency Directive (TD), which entered into force on 26 November 2015 across the EU brings major new powers to the FCA. One of the key changes is that the FCA can apply to court for a voting rights suspension order against a “vote holder” of shares in a company which are admitted to trading on […]

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The European Commission has released proposals which it says will improve access to finance for companies and simplify the information provided for investors. The Commission is making changes to the Prospectus Directive, originally adopted in 2003 and last revised six years ago. Under the proposed changes the directive will become an EU Regulation. The proposals follow […]

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Back in September 2011, the FT ran a story exploring the frustrations felt by investors over complexity and opacity in the voting chain (“Call for clarity in proxy voting process”, FTfm, 12th September 2011). In many ways the article was no different to much of the other hand-wringing that has characterised commentary on this subject. […]

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The European Commission has published its formal proposal for the much-leaked update to the 2007 Shareholder’s Rights Directive. It forms a part of the “road map” for the Commission’s 2012 company law and corporate governance action plan which is aimed at “enhancing transparency and engaging shareholders”. The draft directive identifies 5 specific objectives: Improvement of […]

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The British, or should that be the English, and in particular those living South of the M25, have developed a bit of a reputation in recent years. Well probably many reputations. What we’re thinking of is their inclination to be reticent about speaking their mind on issues which aggravate them. To be more exact, the English have developed […]

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The European Commission has this week launched a consultation, in the form of a green paper, in preparation for taking measures to enhance corporate governance in financial institutions and remuneration policies. It is significant that the Commission is keen to avoid killing the spirit of what it is trying to achieve by smothering it with […]

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The prospect of new regulation at the ownership end of corporate governance mechanisms in Europe is beginning to take shape. The new Member of the European Commission responsible for Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier, has recently been making increasingly clear his views on the future directon of regulation in response to criticism of the […]

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The European Commission has recently announced it intends to initiate processes for taking action against EU Member States over implementation of the Shareholders Rights Directive (SRD). The Directive, which was passed in 2007, establishes Europe-wide principles for ensuring certain basic rights of shareholders at European listed companies. These rights relate to improved registration, participation and information rights […]

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The European Commission has published a table detailing implementation of the Shareholder Rights Directive by the 27 member states (along with other directives). Member states were required to bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with the Shareholder Rights Directive by 3 August 2009 at the latest. Eleven member states […]

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As G20 leaders convene in the USA this week, the European Commission has announced its plans to create a tougher financial regulation framework for EU member states. “This European system can also inspire a global one and we will argue for that in Pittsburgh,” European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said. The EU proposals call […]

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