The Conference Board Governance Center has got together with Damien Park of Hedge Fund Solutions to produce guidance and a checklist of issues for boards to  consider in their relations with shareholders. In particular the report is focused on  how to avoid “costly and disruptive confrontations” with activist funds. The report argues that boards are well served by taking a proactively […]

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One of Canada’s leading newspapers, the Globe & Mail, is striking the death knell for The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan’s role in promoting good governance in Canada. Their gloomy analysis comes after the pension fund announced and 18% loss and a reduction in its Canadian stocks weightings in  by more than half. Some of their holdings will […]

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Leading global investors, with assets totalling over $1.3 trillion, have written to US President Barack Obama urging the new administration to implement “critical” legal reforms to US financial markets and corporate governance practices. The institutions, representing the pension savings of some 15 million individuals globally, called for fundamental reforms as a means of restoring investor […]

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As the Treasury Select Committee  (TSC)  hearings rumble on, professional investors have been under close scrutiny.  Had Alistair Darling had the foresight to tax the word ‘responsibility’, he could probably have recouped a large slice of the unprecedented sums the public purse is currently spending. Investor responsibility  raises two very simple and potentially conflicting questions. […]

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