London AIM-listed Sibir Energy plc, (SBE.LN), the Russian energy company listed on London’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM), has begun proceedings in the High Court against two of its former directors…

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Manifest has written to the SEC in support of rule changes designed to eliminate uninstructed broker votes being used at director elections. The New York Stock Exchange had recently filed a request with the SEC to change Rule 452 which allows brokers to use client votes if no instructions have been received. The proposal has […]

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A short-term outlook and portfolio turnover exceeding 100% per annum is inhibiting ESG integration finds new  research by Mercer,  the investment consulting firm. These findings are included in it’s recent report, Gaining Ground: Integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Facors into Investment Process in Emerging Markets. The report, commissioned by IFC, a member of the World Bank […]

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One of Canada’s leading newspapers, the Globe & Mail, is striking the death knell for The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan’s role in promoting good governance in Canada. Their gloomy analysis comes after the pension fund announced and 18% loss and a reduction in its Canadian stocks weightings in  by more than half. Some of their holdings will […]

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The resolution on the remuneration report at Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc represents the highest ever “Total Dissent” vote on the remuneration report since the introduction of the requirement for the report to be put forward to a non-binding vote.

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Sir Roderick Eddington will stand for re-election at the upcoming meetings of Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Ltd, the two listed holding companies on the Rio Tinto group. Manifest’s research report ahead of the AGMs have noted a number of concerns in respect of Sir Roderick’s position on the Boards. He is a director […]

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At the AGM of Meggitt plc, shareholders will be asked to amend the period following the cessation of employment during which options under Part B of the plan (the part not Inland Revenue approved) may be exercised. It is proposed to increase the period from the existing six months to two years. Manifest notes that […]

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Two notable shareholder resolutions on both sides of the Atlantic have put the role of UK investors in pressing for change at quoted companies firmly in the spotlight. Texas Instruments (TI) has come under close scrutiny from RailPEN, the investment arm of the UK’s Railways Pension Fund and one of the UK’s largest pension investors.  Resolution […]

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Tomorrow’s Company has announced an investigation into the ownership of companies and how it is changing. Hermes Equity Ownership Services will be supporting the study which will be examining: Future ownership trends; Key trends and their meaning for companies; and The impact of trends on companies ability to develop and grow. Speaking at the launch […]

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With the United Kingdom due to implement the EU Shareholder Rights Directive by 3 August 2009, many companies have included on their AGM agendas a resolution to allow them to continue to hold EGMs on 14 days notice, as currently permitted. The Companies Act 2006 enables listed companies to call a general meeting (other than […]

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